Did you know that a simple, everyday experience can help you become a better artist? It’s true. All you need is to be observant and patient, and you’ll soon discover that these two qualities are essential in becoming a master artist. Becoming a master painter takes more than simply having an interest in art and the occasional creative session here and there. You need to be committed to your craft for the long haul, which means dedicating time every day for several weeks or months to improve your skills as an artist.

In this article, painter Rajesh Saggi will share his secrets about creating his artworks.

person painting an artwork

Observation is the foundation of an artist

As an artist, you need to be both observant and analytical. According to Rajesh Saggi, the first step to becoming a master painter is to get to know your subject inside out. Find out where it’s positioned in the room, and what other objects are in the same space as your subject. What is the shape of your subject? Is it round, rectangular, square, or triangular? What colour is it? What texture? What other colours are nearby? What is the position of the other objects in the room? Once you know all of these things about your subject, you’ll be in a better position to paint it. So, the next time you’re in a room with your subject, take all of these things into consideration. How is your subject placed in the room? How is it shaped? Is it round, rectangular, square, or triangular? What is the colour? What texture? What other colours are nearby? What is the position of the other objects in the room? When you’ve observed and recorded all of these things about your subject, you’ll have a much better idea of how to paint it.


Sketch your subject thoroughly

Sketching is a vital part of becoming a master painter. Once you’ve observed your subject, you need to start sketching it. A sketch is a quick, informal drawing of your subject. It’s important that this sketch is a very faithful representation of your subject, as to creating a good painting, you’ll need to know every detail of it. Rajesh Saggi suggests starting to sketch on a large piece of paper and working your way to smaller and smaller paper until you’re sketching on paper the size of your canvas. Start with basic shapes and use your pencil to record tone and texture. Once you have your sketch, you’ll have a better idea of the subject and where to place your marks on the canvas. This will give you a better idea of how to draw your subject.


Don’t be afraid to experiment

As an artist, you need to challenge yourself. Rajesh Saggi recommends trying something new, like experimenting with different techniques. You may find that you like painting in watercolours but find oil paints too messy or that you prefer working with pastels. Find a technique you like, and spend some time practising it every day. At first, your paintings will be a mess, but don’t give up! Over time, you’ll slowly become better at the technique you like the most. Having a variety of techniques will give you more options when it comes to painting, and you may find that you love one technique over another. Some artists like to paint one particular subject throughout their career, while others like to try painting a different subject at least once a year.


Persistence and perseverance are key

In order to become a master painter, you need to be patient and persistent. There will be days when you feel like giving up, and you won’t be able to paint. There will be weeks when you have no inspiration and can’t think of anything to paint. These are the hard parts of being an artist, and they are part of the process of becoming a master painter. These days may be fewer now that you’re an artist, but they will come at some point in your career.

Talented painter Rajesh Saggi indicates that the key to overcoming them is perseverance and staying focused on your goal. You can’t get sidetracked by other projects or other people’s ideas for what you should be doing. As an artist, your job is to challenge yourself, and if you get bored, you need to seek a new challenge.



When you want to become a great artist, you need to observe your subject, sketch it out, and experiment with different techniques. You also need to be patient and persistent. By doing these things, you can become a master painter. Now, it’s up to you to try it out and make it happen.

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